Suzanne's Herbal course has stayed with me over many years. I continue to enjoy identifying the plants, using them for salves and soups, and enjoyed sharing what I learned with my daughters. Perhaps the most treasured class was learning how to identify, collect and make a delicious and nutrient-packed soup from stinging nettles. I fed this to my daughters when they were little (when getting them to eat veggies was a challenge). We called it "Secret Garden Soup" because I didn't reveal all of the ingredients until they were older, and then thought it was "cool" that they were actually eating the nettles. There is something ancient and honored in sitting around with a group and receiving Suzanne's teachings about plants. At a time when we are losing connection with the natural world, Suzanne's commitment to transmitting her knowledge is not only a gift, it is vital for our planet.
~ Libby Olson

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